
Friday, October 14, 2016

31 days to a kinder me. Day 14.

Be kind. 

Not always as easy as it sounds, but not necessarily as hard as we - nay, I - make it to be. 

Be kind. 

I know when there is an edge of harshness to my tone, a bite to my words. And I know how to soften my tone. I just need to do it.

Be kind.

If there is something I think someone should have done for me, well, there you go. I need to take the opportunity to do it for someone else. My desire for kindness is not unique to me.

Be kind.

Patience. A precious and rare virtue. I can be patient, if I choose. Mindfulness is a practice I have been delving into over the past couple of years. Mindfulness is being in full appreciation of the moment and truly experiencing my surroundings. Not just hearing what someone is saying but listening to them. Patience. Allowing time for life to unfold not rushing rudely ahead. 

Be kind.

Choosing my words with care, and my actions as well.

Be kind.

I really need to learn to 
be kind.

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