
Tuesday, April 26, 2016

NaPoWriMo 2016 Day 26

Call and Response
And tears like raindrops fall ... 

I see the pain of loved ones dear
And tears like raindrops fall ... 
I witness rebirth every year
And tears like raindrops fall ... 
Hunger haunts the banquet hall
And tears like raindrops fall ... 
Plenty for few, scarcity for all
And tears like raindrops fall ... 
Trusting love in eyes of a child
And tears like raindrops fall ... 
Majestic beasts thrive in the wild
And tears like raindrops fall ... 
Long, dark night of sorrows lament
And tears like raindrops fall ... 
Blissful days with nature spent
And tears like raindrops fall ... 
Drink full of life this day you're given
And tears like raindrops fall ... 
Onward then by hopeful dream driven
And tears like raindrops fall ... 

~ Ellen Apple 4/26/2016

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