I am not sure how you go about crediting photos, but the above image is from Rides.com.
I posted this to my Facebook wall, and the following conversation developed. My Facebook name is Ellen WhiteOwl Smith-Apple. Rhiannon Smith is my niece.
I posted the first comment with the picture
Ellen WhiteOwl Smith-Apple She would say Wheeeeeeeeeee!!!!! When we were young we tried to teach her to ride a bicycle, and hula hoop. Get her to tell you about it. She was so much fun as a mother.
I have thought a great deal about this over the weeks since I had this interaction. My mother was 25 years old when I was born, and throughout our childhood she was one of the fun mothers. I am not real sure I appreciated that aspect of her personality. There was a lot of laughter in our house. My sister and I would roll on the floor laughing at times.
When we (my sister and I) were about 12 and 14 she went to work at the elementary school as an aide in a kindergarten class. She loved children so much, and would wipe their tears and give them hugs as needed. I suppose that would not be allowed in schools today. She made it a personal crusade to assure that there were sufficient funds for all the children to participate in all activities. No child went without ice cream. All children went to paid activities like shows and plays and field trips to farms. Each child had at least one book to take home from the book fair. Those with less always had enough. She took socks and gloves and underwear and soap to school on a regular basis. She unabashedly harassed her clubs and ladies groups for monies to help the children at her school. All of this was done in a manner as to not belittle or call attention to those in need.
We were not well off. We were not even middle class. I cannot ever remember having surplus, except for laughter and family and love.
She and my father did well, they loved us and helped us grow into pretty decent people. She usually but not always let Daddy do the physical discipline. We were rambunctious kids.
They played with us, games and cards and outside. They welcomed all of our friends, often feeding 3 or 4 extra at mealtimes.
Just a few memories of my mother on the eve of my 54th birthday.
This is a Facebook interaction I just had:
ReplyDeleteBarbara Cowgill She loved and took care of us by herself all of our lives, with help from her kin. She LOVED Football, both College and Pro. Unfortunately she did not live to see her beloved Notre Dame have an unbeaten season, although, according to my nephew, God probably does let her watch football in heaven...i think so too...( :
Ellen WhiteOwl Smith-Apple Can I put this as a comment on the blog? I can feel your love for her in the words..
Barbara Cowgill Absolutely! Thanks. We love and miss her much. Saturdays are college football days so she is on my mind alot today!
Barbara, My condolences once again on her loss. She raised a daughter with a beautiful spirit so I know she was a beautiful soul as well.